Insurance Contact, Lead & Sales Management


VAM dB can help you stay in better contact with your leads and clients. Life insurance is a contact business and most times it will take an agent more than a call or two to sell a lead. VAM dB can help you get to the lead at the right time to make the sale. Follow ups for each client allow you to be reminded when a client asked to be called. Don't forget to make the call that has been requested, prioritize calls and activities and have automated alerts to remind you in advance. Easily pull lists of people that haven't been reached yet, those with life insurance applications outstanding, in underwriting or policies outstanding.

VAM dB is designed to create a profit rather than ever being an expense. One way it can do that is to generate leads. Your most valuable information is the data you already have! Some of our clients produce up to 10% of their leads from the leads currently in their database. What is your average cost per lead? Imagine if you could produce steady lead flow at no cost. VAM dB can automate the process of marketing to the leads in your database, managing your best resource. Whether it be to sell term life or other products you offer. Cross sell other products to enhance profits, tracking each lead and type of sale to make the most of your marketing effort, and the best part, there is no cost for these leads. The easiest lead to sell is the client you already have. Don't miss out on easy sales, let VAM dB help keep you in better contact with your client as well as those who have yet to purchase from you. Proper lead management is a vital part to any office's profitability.

VAM dB can import leads you purchase or generate elsewhere or transfer directly from your web page forms to the database. Almost any type of file can easily be imported into the database. Many major lead companies can send their leads directly into the database making it even easier for you to manage your leads. See a partial list of integrated lead providers. You can also post leads into VAM dB via Webhooks by Zapier or Jotforms.

VAM dB can simplify and even automate the distribution of your leads. Create the criteria to assign leads as they come into the database assigning them to the agent how you want. Use state licenses, premium, lead source, gender, age or any other number of factors to assign leads to the agent best suited to work the case.

Organization and good lead management will make you more efficient, give you a better grasp on your business by knowing where you are making your money and where you may be losing it. VAM dB will help you manage your leads, track your sales and service your clients better than you ever have before and that is just the tip of the iceburg.
Appointment Reminders

Contact Management

Add, Search, Group & More

Quickly add or search leads in VAM dB. See all recent activity and your groups. Leads can belong to as many groups as you like. Internet lead providers are integrated so you can have your leads sent directly into VAM dB. Easy import/export.